
Clone the Git repository:

git clone
cd cjdk

As usual, it is best to do all development in a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv
echo '*' >venv/.gitignore  # Make Git ignore your venv directory
source venv/bin/activate   # Use venv/Scripts/activate on Windows
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

Make sure to enable the pre-commit Git hooks:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

To run the tests using an editable install:

pip install -e .[testing]

To run the tests as they are run by CI, use Nox:

pip install nox

To build the documentation with Jupyter Book:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
# Now view docs/_build/html/index.html

Some of the documentation pages are Jupyter notebooks stored in MyST Markdown format using Jupytext. To edit these in Jupyter Lab, right-click the file and select “Open With > Notebook” (if it asks you to select a kernel, you probably tried to open a Markdown file that is not a notebook).

New notebook pages can be added by first creating the notebook (.ipynb) in Jupyter Lab, then running jupytext mypage.ipynb --to myst. Delete the .ipynb file so that the MyST (.md) file is the single source of truth.

To build the documentation as done by CI:

rm -rf docs/_build
nox -s docs


cjdk uses SemVer 2, with the scope of API for versioning purposes comprising the Python API, command-line interface, and environment variables for configuration.

As specified by SemVer, anything can change during the 0.x series, although the plan is to keep disruptive changes to a minimum.

Making API changes#

  1. Document in docstring. For Python API, follow our flavor of NumPy style.

  2. List in the “unreleased” section of docs/ Change the planned next release version if necessary.

  3. Document in Jupyter Book (docs/). Add versionadded, versionchanged, or deprecated directive.

If changing the next release version, ensure that any existing versionadded, versionchanged, or deprecated directives are updated.

Release procedure#

  1. Ensure docs/ lists all changes since the last release, and convert the “unreleased” section to the new version.

  2. Also ensure that there are no versionadded, versionchanged, or deprecated directives with a patch or minor version that is being skipped without releasing.

  3. Tag the commit to release.

The rest is taken care of automatically.