Running Java applications with jgo

Running Java applications with jgo#

This example shows how to run an arbitrary package available from a Maven repository using jgo.

import cjdk
import jgo
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager

jgo requires Apache Maven, so we’ll install that first:

# From
maven_url = "tgz+"
maven_sha512 = "706f01b20dec0305a822ab614d51f32b07ee11d0218175e55450242e49d2156386483b506b3a4e8a03ac8611bae96395fd5eec15f50d3013d5deed6d1ee18224"
maven_dir = cjdk.cache_package("Maven", maven_url, sha512=maven_sha512)
cjdk: Installing Maven to /home/runner/.cache/cjdk

The Maven .tar.gz file has been extracted into maven_dir; find the bin directory within it:

maven_bin = list(maven_dir.glob("apache-maven-*"))[0] / "bin"
assert (maven_bin / "mvn").is_file()

Let’s write a context manager that we can use to temporarily put the Maven bin directory on PATH.

def path_prepended(path):
    Context manager to temporarily prepend the given path to PATH.
    save_path = os.environ.get("PATH", "")
    new_path = str(path) + os.pathsep + save_path
    os.environ["PATH"] = new_path
        os.environ["PATH"] = save_path

Now for the magic: run a program by specifying its Maven coordinates.

The JRE and all required Jars are downloaded (and cached) automatically.

with cjdk.java_env(vendor="zulu-jre", version="8"):
    with path_prepended(maven_bin):
cjdk: Installing JDK zulu-jre:8.0.422 to /home/runner/.cache/cjdk
INFO 2024-08-09 22:05:04,310: First time start-up may be slow. Downloaded dependencies will be cached for shorter start-up times in subsequent executions.
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